Workshopy a pravidelné lekce
Workshop Series
Somatic Dialogue with Berrak Yedek
Workshop 1: 15.02.2025
Workshop 2: 15.03.2025
Limpid Works, Praha

Basics of Somatic Dialogue
Workshop 1: 15.02.2025
Witnessing our Three Centres and Peripheries
In this workshop we will mainly explore our three centres and our peripheries, on all spaces (horizontal, in-between, vertical). We will also experiment how we relate to the centre of our body, as opposed to the periphery of our body, and discover how we make use of them, and what they have to say to us. We will experience in depth the inner connection between the centres and periphery and thus become more aware of our proprioception and exteroception.
Starting with the purely physical explorations, step by step the well guided improvisation tasks will lead us to our emotional, imaginary and poetic selves.
A day full of movement and exploration, in a safe and gentle environment.
This workshop is very suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. But it will mainly focus on the basics, so all beginners are welcome, including first timers. :)
Workshop 2: 15.03.2025
Body Structures in our Inner Landscapes
We will start with exploring all movement possibilities while connecting to our body structures, such as bone and muscle structures, connective tissues, organs and fluid. Once more familiar and in touch with our own body structure we will then explore how they lead us into our inner landscapes.
In this safe and non-performative space, we will have the possibility to relate our world of sensations, and imagery which derives from our inner structure, and have the possibility to travel within ourselves.
A day of deep improvisation, at our own personal pace, letting us immerse into our poetic world.
This workshop will take us from physical exploration to meditative experiences in motion.
All levels are welcome, including first timers:)
You're free to join either or both workshps.
Price: 1-day workshop: 2500 Kč.
If you book both workshops: 4500 Kč.
Dates: 15.02.2025 and 15.3.2025 (11:00-17:00)
Registration: limpidworks@gmail.com
Dance Improvisation Classess
with Berrak Yedek
13.2.2025 - 27.3.2025 (6 Online Group Lessons)

‘Practice makes the master’, they say. However rather than the master, we are focusing in the practice. In these online improvisation classes, we aim to find the inner engine that propulses us into movement, the apatite that allows the dance to emerge and the trust to freely dive into the dance. Join us to indulge in the practice and joy.
The lessons are designed to provide you with the fundamentals of self-practice in dance improvisation, rooted in the principles of Somatic Dialogue. You will initiate a dialogue with your body and movements, gradually discovering your unique dance style. We will offer you a clear structure to navigate freely while also providing insights into movement techniques and precise tools for improvisation.
The course is designed to be easy to understand and execute, yet it offers depth that will make you contemplate and reflect on it later.
All you need is a bit of space to move and a clear floor, along with access to a computer.
Dates: FEBRUARY: 13-20-27 MARCH: 6-13-27
Thursdays 10:30-11:45 (Central European Time)
Please note that there is NO CLASS on 20.03.2025
Price: 2400 Kč (for 6 online Lessons)
Register [here ]
Somatic Dialogue Based Belly Dance Workshops
with Buse Çetin
22.2.2025 and 29.3.2025 (1-day workshops)
Limpid Works, Praha

Waves in Me
I'm inviting you to explore the seamless connection between the elemental rhythms of belly dance and the natural patterns of ocean waves. This workshop is designed to uncover the hidden links within our movements that, though often invisible, shape the core techniques of belly dance.
On February 22nd, we will discover the transformative power of belly dance, infused with wave-like motions that echo the gentle yet profound energies of the ocean. This session will be a journey through the softer, calming, and enriching aspects of movement, reminding us of the fluid and yin (feminine) essence inherently flowing within us.
Designed for participants of all dance backgrounds, from newcomers to seasoned dancers, this workshop will also serve as a precursor to our next 'Earth' workshop, bridging the elements and deepening our understanding of our physical and energetic presence.
Beneath My Feet, the Earth
Step into the embrace of the Earth with us, as we explore the grounding rhythms of belly dance. This workshop is crafted to weave the solid, nurturing embrace of Earth into each movement, revealing a dance deeply connected to the enduring strength beneath us.
Join us on March 29th to unlock the potent energies of belly dance, harmonized with movements that resonate with the power and clarity of the Earth. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey, grounding ourselves in the profound stability that anchors our being.
This workshop welcomes dancers of all landscapes, whether you are stepping onto the dance floor for the first time or have traced its bounds for years.
Price: 1-day workshop: 1200 Kč.
If you book both workshops: 2200 Kč.
Dates: 22.2.2025 and 29.3.2025 (12:00-16:00)
Venue: Limpid Works, Prague
Registration: limpidworks@gmail.com
Pedro Prazeres @ Limpid Works
February 17 - March 7, 2025
Open Group Classes & Individual Sessions
Dates: 17.02, 24.02, 03.03

Open Group Classes (3 Mondays)
17.02, 24.02, 03.03
Mondays | 19:00–21:00
_*O C T O P I A*_
A fictional time-space of inter-relational and multi-sensory bodies in motion. Sometimes becoming something like octopus and returning to human, recreating our own fictional octopus, our interior multi sensorial creature, speaking like it, sometimes dancing like it, sensing as it and returning to the new human we are. Fictional back-and-forths of octopus-human to awaken multiple intelligences of perception of the body, the context, oneself and the other in a sprawling space-time. Strongly inspired by Vinciane Despret’ “Autobiography of an Octopus by Actes Sud”, we have here the option of perceiving ourselves as non subjects of our own movements.
Duration 120 min
Individual Classes
These classes are designed for dialogue. Sharing the space together, we’ll explore the multiple facets of the dialogue with ourselves. In the comfort of a large dance studio, we’ll allow the motion within us to manifest itself through specific invitations to movement. Each session is unique. Each time we meet, we’ll consider the new “me” that we are that day and allow it to flow.
Duration 75 min
Hi! I’m Pedro P. I’ve delved into the fields of performance art, choreography of contemporary dance and landscape architecture. At the present date I’m leading Landscapes in Motion in the south of France and I’m a Somatic Dialogue Facilitator, certified since 2022. I have been practicing dance since 2005 and I’m interested in exploring different modes of relation and dialogues between the body and the space, the body and the elements of nature, the body and the other body, the body and its own body. Having nowadays Somatic Dialogue as the axis of my research, I’m also nourished by a large scope of practices of both landscape and body in motion, by the collaboration and/or transmission from different researchers, artists, farmers, gardeners, dancers and choreographers. Both my facilitating, curating and artistic work incorporate all these experiences, encounters and symbiosis.
For more information please email to pedro.prazeres@yahoo.com
Dance Improvisation Open Class
with Berrak Yedek and Pedro Prazeres
23.2.2025 / 10:00-15:00
Limpid Works, Prague

We like to dance,
We like to improvise
We like being surprised
Join our first dance improvisation open class this February 23rd. We will take you through various well guided improvisation tasks to let you freely surf in your inner and outer landscapes, from the physical to the imaginary.
From slow, slower and slowest to fast, faster and fastest we invite you to indulge in your world of liberation through movement.
This class is for all movers who like to improvise, all levels welcome. We will be there for you, both of us to make sure you are in an intimate, safe and kind environment, where we can be witnesses to the diverse worlds of each other.
Date: 23.2.2025
Time: 10:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00 (lunch break, common buffet)
FREE: free participation (contribute to your convenience)
Somatická cesta
s Katrin Köhler & Kateřinou Ledvinkovou
26.2.2025– 4.6.2025
Limpid Works, Praha

Drazí přátelé,
opět jsme pro Vás připravily cyklus pohybových setkání, na kterých můžeme pokračovat v
somatické cestě nebo společně začít cestu novou. Večery povedou střídavě Kateřina
Ledvinková a Katrin Köhler. Těšíme se na Vás.
Mým přáním je, abychom během společných setkání mohli objevovat osobní rovinu pohybu,
nacházet cestu k sobě, a právě z tohoto místa tančit.
Budeme probouzet vnímavost k tomu, co se v našem pohybu odehrává. Prostřednictvím
pohybových improvizací a jednoduchých cvičení prožijeme rozličná pohybová pozvání.
Necháme se vést konkrétními fyzickými impulzy, které naše tělo v tanci přirozeně rozvíjí.
Protože fyzické “uvědomění si” přináší esenciální laskavost, tolik potřebnou ke svobodnému
pohybu. Jednoduchost a jasnost má sílu roztančit každého z nás.*
Práci v uzavřené skupině, její dynamiku i intimitu vnímám jako přidanou hodnotu na naší
jedinečné somatické cestě.
Tímto kurzem bych ráda otevřela prostor v našem obvykle velmi rušném každodenním
životě, kde bychom mohli vnímat pouze své vlastní tělo a sami sebe.
Pomocí pohybových a tanečních improvizací na zemi i v prostoru budeme naslouchat svému
tělu a vyzveme ho, aby vyjádřilo to, co prožívá v přítomném okamžiku, místo přemýšlení o
tom, jak bychom se měli pohybovat nebo jak působíme zvenčí. V tomto procesu nás podpoří
vedení různých tělesných a vnitřních témat.
Tímto způsobem se můžeme dostat hlouběji do kontaktu sami se sebou a se svými pocity a
naučit se být ve svém těle více doma.
Pro tuto somatickou cestu nejsou nutné žádné předchozí pohybové zkušenosti.
Setkávat se budeme po osm večerů, a to od 18:15 do 19:45 hodin.
Termíny jsou následující:
26.2. - 12.3. - 26.3. - 9.4. - 23.4. - 7.5. - 21.5. - 4.6.
~cena za 8 lekcí po 90 minutách je 3 600 Kč
~setkání se konají vždy ve středu ve studiu Limpid Works
~registrace na info@jogakatrinkohler.cz
Ongoing Course
Somatic Dialogue for well-being
with Elif Barta
28.1.25 - 18.3.25 (7 Group Lessons)
Limpid Works, Praha

Are you in need of a sustainable practice that support your body-mind connection?
Moving our body and silencing our mind in our busy lives is not always easy. Making room for the ups and downs of our lives and mindfully expanding our inner space to contain all the dynamics with compassion and acceptance is a skill we can learn to lead a more harmonious life that our human soul desire.
Somatic dialogue is a body practice that allows us to gently explore and transform the way we relate to our body. It encourages us to explore possibilities of getting in contact with ourselves, connecting to our body wisdom and adopting an embodied approach to life where we can face the changes from a more earthy, joyful and playful place.
It helps us with the topics like: embodying the "letting go”, stress relief, self regulation and balancing our “doing/being” energies.
During the sessions you are guided through simple movement improvisations accompanied with beautiful music to connect to your inner resources in your own pace and mindfully expand the perception of your body in physical, mental, emotional and sensational levels.
Come to give yourself a moment to meet yourself again, regardless of the circumstances! It will not only move your body, but your heart…
Group classes - January/March (ENG/CZ)
Tuesdays from 19.00-20.30
Price: 2100 (7 sessions of 90 minutes)
Registration: barta.elif@gmail.com
+420 604 101 664
28.01. - 4.2. - 18.2. -25.2. -4.3. - 11.3. - 18.3.