Workshopy a pravidelné lekce
Somatic dialogue for well-being
with Elif Barta
17.9-5.11. (7 lessons)
Limpid Works, Praha
Are you in need of a sustainable practice that support your body-mind connection?
Moving our body and silencing our mind in our busy lives is not always easy. Making room for the ups and downs of our lives and mindfully expanding our inner space to contain all the dynamics with compassion and acceptance is a skill we can learn to lead a more harmonious life that our human soul desire.
Somatic dialogue is a body practice that allows us to gently explore and transform the way we relate to our body. It encourages us to explore possibilities of getting in contact with ourselves, connecting to our body wisdom and adopting an embodied approach to life where we can face the changes from a more earthy, joyful and playful place.
It helps us with the topics like: embodying the "letting go”, stress relief, self regulation and balancing our “doing/being” energies.
During the sessions you are guided through simple movement improvisations accompanied with beautiful music to connect to your inner resources in your own pace and mindfully expand the perception of your body in physical, mental, emotional and sensational levels.
Come to give yourself a moment to meet yourself again, regardless of the circumstances! It will not only move your body, but your heart…
Group classes - September/November (ENG/CZ)
Tuesdays from 19.00-20.30
Price: 2100 (7 sessions of 90 minutes)
+420 604 101 664
17.9. - 24.9. - 1.10. -8.10. -15.10. - 29.10. - 5.11.
Somatická cesta
s Katrin Köhler & Kateřinou Ledvinkovou
září 2024 – únor 2025
Limpid Works, Praha
Drazí přátelé,
od podzimu jsme pro Vás opět připravily cyklus pohybových setkání, na kterých můžeme pokračovat v somatické cestě nebo společně začít cestu novou. Večery povedou střídavě Kateřina Ledvinková a Katrin Köhler. Těšíme se na Vás.
Mým přáním je, abychom během společných setkání mohli objevovat osobní rovinu pohybu, nacházet cestu k sobě, a právě z tohoto místa tančit.
Budeme probouzet vnímavost k tomu, co se v našem pohybu odehrává. Prostřednictvím pohybových improvizací a jednoduchých cvičení prožijeme rozličná pohybová pozvání. Necháme se vést konkrétními fyzickými impulzy, které naše tělo v tanci přirozeně rozvíjí. Protože fyzické “uvědomění si” přináší esenciální laskavost, tolik potřebnou ke svobodnému pohybu. Jednoduchost a jasnost má sílu roztančit každého z nás.*
Práci v uzavřené skupině, její dynamiku i intimitu vnímám jako přidanou hodnotu na naší jedinečné somatické cestě.
Tímto kurzem bych ráda otevřela prostor v našem obvykle velmi rušném každodenním životě, kde bychom mohli vnímat pouze své vlastní tělo a sami sebe.
Pomocí pohybových a tanečních improvizací na zemi i v prostoru budeme naslouchat svému tělu a vyzveme ho, aby vyjádřilo to, co prožívá v přítomném okamžiku, místo přemýšlení o tom, jak bychom se měli pohybovat nebo jak působíme zvenčí. V tomto procesu nás podpoří vedení různých tělesných a vnitřních témat.
Tímto způsobem se můžeme dostat hlouběji do kontaktu sami se sebou a se svými pocity a naučit se být ve svém těle více doma.
Pro tuto somatickou cestu nejsou nutné žádné předchozí pohybové zkušenosti. Setkávat se budeme po deset večerů, a to od 18:15 do 19:45 hodin.
Večery budou střídavě vedeny vždy jednou z lektorek.
Termíny jsou následující:
4.12. -18.12.
cena za 10 lekcí po 90 minutách je 4 500 Kč
setkání se konají vždy ve středu ve studiu Limpid Works
registrace na
Somatic dialogue and the intimacy of touch
with Berrak Yedek
12. -14.10.2024
Vadi Manasir, Turkey
Somatic Dialogue is a gentle practice of body and mind in motion. It uses a gentle approach to the body, allowing the mind to accompany the body in a loving way. Through guided dance improvisation and practical techniques, participants can enter into an intimate dialogue with themselves, the other and the world around them.
This practice opens a space within us where we can enter into deep listening, discover our inner universe and approach our physical, emotional, sensual and poetic self.
The Intimacy of Touch is a work that allows us to travel between the worlds of proprioception, interoception and exteroception.
It is an invitation to touch and be touched by the poetry of bodies in motion. This work is strictly non-performative and purely experiential, it leads us to an intimacy of being in and between ourselves.
For more information visit here
For registration here
Somatic dialogue and the intimacy of touch
with Berrak Yedek
Kientalerhof, Switzerland
Somatic Dialogue is a gentle practice of body and mind in motion. It uses a gentle approach to the body, allowing the mind to accompany the body in a loving way. Through guided dance improvisation and practical techniques, participants can enter into an intimate dialogue with themselves, the other and the world around them.
This practice opens a space within us where we can enter into deep listening, discover our inner universe and approach our physical, emotional, sensual and poetic self.
The Intimacy of Touch is a work that allows us to travel between the worlds of proprioception, interoception and exteroception.
It is an invitation to touch and be touched by the poetry of bodies in motion. This work is strictly non-performative and purely experiential, it leads us to an intimacy of being in and between ourselves.
For more information and registration please visit here
Somatic Dialogue based Anatolian Belly Dance
with Buse Cetin
Limpid Works, Praha
This four-hour workshop will utilize Somatic Dialogue to engage your spine, pelvis, legs, and connection with gravity, focusing on waves and relaxation in our bellies. We will experience deep relaxation, energy flow, and finding our center through the mobility of our spine and pelvis, the connection from head to tail, and the strength we draw from gravity. The workshop will offer both improvisations and techniques in belly dance.
Anatolian Belly Dance encourages internal movements that allow us to explore our fascial tissues, focusing on reaching our spine and each vertebra.
Belly dance, an ancient and archaic form of dance, is often seen as a glamorous performing art. However, it can also be approached as a ritualistic method for moving meditation. Through this practice, we can use our bellies to find our centers, ground ourselves, and connect with gravity, aligning our bodies. Gentle waves in our bellies can awaken our life energy.
In the Anatolian style, belly dancing emphasizes internal awareness and subtle movements rather than spectacle and grand gestures. It encourages us to feel our inner space in motion, allowing our bodies to naturally organize themselves into a harmonious state without extra effort. To maintain this harmony, it is essential to feel our connection with the earth and let gravity flow through our dance.
This workshop aims to deepen your understanding of these practices. It will make you aware of the invisible relationship between our center and the ground, constantly flowing back and forth. You are invited to reconnect with your body and the earth through the magical touch of Anatolia.
More information about Buse Cetin, here
Date and hours: 26.10.2024, 12:00-16:00
Price: 1.200 Kč
registration here
Language of the workshop is English.