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Invitation to the Somatic Journey
with Kateina Ledvinkova & Katrin Köhler

Dear friends,

For the next months at Limpid Works we have prepared a series of movement sessions led by Kateřina Ledvinková and Katrin Köhler. We are looking forward to seeing you.

It is my wish that during our time together we shall have the opportunity to discover

movement from a personal perspective, find our way to ourselves, and dance from that very place.

We will awaken receptivity to what is happening in our movement. Through movement

improvisations and simple exercises we will experience different physical invitations. We will be guided by the specific physical impulses that our bodies naturally develop in dance. Because physical "awareness" brings the essential kindness so necessary for free

movement. Simplicity and clarity has the power to make each of us dance.*

For me, working in a closed group, its dynamics and intimacy, adds specific value to our

unique somatic journey.






With this class, I would like to offer a space in our usually very busy everyday life where we can just perceive ourselves and our own bodies.

Using movement and dance improvisations with music on the ground and in space, we will listen to our body and invite it to express what it is experiencing in the present moment.

We do not need to think about how we should move or how we look from outside.

In this process we will be supported by the guidance of various physical and inner themes. In this way, we may get deeper into contact with ourselves and our feelings and may learn to be more at home in our bodies.




No previous movement experience is necessary for this somatic journey.

We are going to meet for eight evenings, from 6:15pm to 7:45pm.

The evenings will be alternately led by one of the lecturers.

The dates are as follows:

14.2. (joint opening, Kateřina)

28.2. (Katrin)

13.3. (Kateřina)

27.3. (Katrin)

10.4. (Kateřina)

24.4. (Katrin)

15.5. (Kateřina)

29.5. (joint ending, Katrin)

The price for 8 lessons of 90 minutes is 3 600 CZK.

Registration at

Katrin Köhler, Yoga teacher with thirty-five years of experience. For

more than fifteen years she has participated in continuing education programs

in pranayama and meditation for yoga teachers with Dr. Shrikrishna Bushan Tengshe in Germany.

She completed a two-year Somatik Diyalog® facilitator training program

with Berrak Yedek in Prague. Body, breath, movement and awareness are important themes in her life that she loves to share (


Kateřina Ledvinková has been involved in somatic movement and dance with deep

commitment and passion for many years. In her movement work she integrates various

approaches that she has had the opportunity to encounter and incorporate into her daily

practice. She calls her movement approach Somatic Healing (more at

Workshop Somatic Dialogue for Couples
Saturday, 24.02.2024

As a couple, we have a special relationship, we share an unique intimacy. If we think back to the beginning of our (love) story, there was usually plenty of space for physical contact. We touched, cuddled, kissed and had may be frequently sex.

In the meantime, we usually are busy with our work, taking care of the house, children, pets, aging parents, etc. These everyday duties take up a lot of our energy and our intimacy has less space to be lived. So it can happen that our touch and encounters are increasingly characterized by habits.

In this workshop, we will use the practice of Somatic Dialogue and take time to get in contact with ourselves and our own bodies. On this basis, we can open up and communicate with each other. We try to really "listen" to our partner with all our senses, to perceive him/her as he or she is at that moment and to really be there for each other. This can help us to open up to the love within us and perhaps we can rediscover the "magic of touch".

Katrin Köhler a Steffen Böhme

Both yoga teachers with many years of experience and Somatic Dialogue Facilitators, have been a couple for 13 years and married for eight years.

9:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 - 16:30

Price: 2800.- Kč per couple

The course will be held in Czech and English, according to the needs of the participants.

Studio Limpid Works, Donská 9, 101 00 Prague 10, Vršovice

Further information and registration:

Katrin Köhler

tel.: 603 360 554

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