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Welcome to my first blog ever!


Welcome to my first blog  ever, which I started on the first day of my 51 years!!

Yes really… it is unbelievable… It has been years now that I have been talking about starting a blog to my colleagues, and we always said how good it could be.. and never started. The first idea was to start it collectively and then of course everyone was more focused on their work  and life and the blog never happened. 
Recently Güneş (for those who do not know, she is the mother of Fifi, our quality control manager, and my faithful work partner, thanks to whom Limpid Works is what it is now ), started taking marketing consultations from my dear brother Burak Yedek. And there the blog (amongst many others that you will witness in the future) came again to the surface of our plans. 
So we will see if this will work or not.  But at least I am really giving it a try. And a sincere one, I have promised myself.

Today is Monday, I have been up since 6am and have been for a walk at Obora Hvězda, with Gigi of course (our therapist), and came back home to start my first day of blogging.

I will spare you what I am eating or drinking…(the yummy leftovers of the wonderful brunch yesterday that my dear friends organized for my 51st birthday) but I will try to help myself by writing what I will do today and every Monday.

This blog is about me trying to finish the Somatic Dialogue Manual.
I dedicate myself mostly to giving Somatic Dialogue private sessions, workshops, group classes, and also leading with two of my colleagues (Beliz and Kateřina) and my lovely assistant to the program (Zeynep) the Somatic Dialogue Facilitator Program. 

We are nearly approaching the end of the 2nd cycle. This means that there are already about 10 Somatic Dialogue facilitators out in the world working, and 12 or more to come. At the end of the first cycle, I had intended to write a book (my first one), a book for facilitators which will serve as a road map, that can accompany them in this path, which always take us to our depths, sometimes making us feel lonely on the path of accompanying others in their explorations. This Handbook, or the so called Manual, would serve as a book to fall back on, to look for inspirations and somehow refresh our memories, and cope with our loneliness.

I started last year in Corsica, in our wonderful hideaway Canappagio Vecchio in Pietracorbara, on the east coast of the Cap Corse. I had the chance to stay there alone and then of course with Güneş and then with Pedro (also my colleague facilitator). Sitting at my old writing table and enjoying the uninterrupted pace of going through notes, dreaming of structure and re-assembling the notes and somehow feeling how the motivation slowly was building up. And I must admit that I have done quite some work then.

This is my desk, my beloved desk with my books on my desktop, and my dear friend Burçak Kaygun’s oil painting, which provides me calmness when I look at it. I just love that painting!

And here are my desktop books:
  • Marie Charrel, Les Mangeurs de nuit
  • Metin Arditi, Tu seras mon père
  • Claude Lanzmann, Le lièvre de Patagonie
  • Jean Giono, Prélude de Pan
  • Claude Pujade-Renaud, Dans l’ombre de la lumière
  • Lewis Hyde, The Gift
  • Irvin Yalom, Et Nietzsche a pleuré
  • Sue Black, Written in bone
  • The complete works of Leonardo da Vinci
  • Maxence Fermine, The black violin
  • Daniel Pennac, La loi du rêveur
  • Bernard-Marie Koltès, Lettres
  • Charles Juliet, Gratitude
  • Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood, Dance dance dance, 
  • Henry Bauchau, Le déluge, Conversation avec le torrent, Le boulevard périphérique
  • Siri Hustvedt, Élégie pour un Américain, The blindfold
  • Delphine de Vigan, No et moi
  • J.D. Salinger, Catcher in the rye
  • Leo Perutz, Der Judas des Leonardo
  • Muriel Spark, The driver’s seat
  • William Golding, Sineklerin tanrısı
  • Toni Morrison, Home
  • Lawrence Durrell, The Greek islands
  • Leonardo da Vinci, Prophéties
  • Alexis Stamatis, Bar Flaubert
  • Nikos Kazantzakis, Freedom and death

As I was working myself through the notes, I was really trying to enjoy and take support from my surroundings. You can imagine that it is difficult for someone who hasn’t written a book before to go through their own notes. Hours and hours of teaching lessons, listening to all lectures (listening to oneself, ouff) , writing down the transcripts (just to give you an idea 2 hours of a lecture took me 7-8 hours of transcript work). You may think, well there are apps that transcribe recorded speech… I know but I wanted to listen to myself, hear myself, even if it was painful at first, and learn from myself. What to say,  what not to say, how to speak.. recognize the times I lost my cool because I got carried away…. And by doing the transcripts I was selecting and remembering in my head, what should and should not be in the manual. This was all done prior to my time in Corsica. 

It was demanding, going again through my own words.. of course I started speaking with myself…and I had to again bend my muscle of patience. So the trees, the garden, the wonderful seaside and the air of Corsica was really nourishing.  Even the sky gave me support, reminding me to dream again like a child. 

Working in the garden as much as I could tolerate the mosquitos :)

This is the view from the road between Sisco and Pietracorbara. We usually always stopped there to admire the light and the colours.

Dinosaur-dragons drifting above me while resting on the beach

On certain days I received rewards, prepared by Güneş, such as delicious Millefeuille, and iced coffee (I was a big coffee drinker then).  We really enjoyed these moments, alternating also with intense cooking, thinking about what to cook the next day…. and it was very motivating I must admit. I was fasting till the afternoon and working on the notes and then the rewards were coming :)

And in the evenings we treated ourselves to fresh fish brought to us by fisherman Sébastien!

This time in Corsica was really delicious, as I really tasted the work, and I think that start was important.

However, as you all might guess, I haven’t continued after. After returning to Prague the sessions, workshops and the facilitator program took most of my time and attention, not mentioning my vibrant teenager daughter Sofi. I haven’t worked on the book since then but I have worked on many other things…

So here I am now a year later sitting at this blog. This blog will help me stay motivated and also will help me keep my word. Because I always do. And I hope that for you this will be interesting to accompany my process of writing, in which I will for sure reveal some things, which may catch your attention.

Now I will print out all my notes, because, as much as I enjoy writing on the computer, I still need papers. I need to read on paper and make my notes with my fountain pen or pencil.

So here we go to the printer….

With all notes printed and my cushions prepared.. I must now make this move and leave my first blog article and start going through my notes. Till we meet again next Monday. Have a lovely week, stay inspired and inspire…
Love must B


Somatik Diyalog® Somatic Dialogue®

Limpid Works, Donská 9, 101 00, Prague, CZ

website by Gunes Coban

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