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Silent Weekend


09:30-10:00: Welcome and explanation of the sight.
10:00-11:00: Morning Qi Gong
11:00-12:30: Somatic Dialogue spine & Torso 
12:30-13:30: Lunch Break 
13:30-14:15:  Qi Gong theorie    _cc781905-136bad5cf58d_
14:15-16:15: Somatic Dialogue “The Chest”
16:15-16:30: Time gathering insides and resting in silence, snacks
16:30-17:30: Afternoon Qi Gong
17:30-18:00: Meditation
10:00-11:00: Morning Qi Gong
11:00-12:30: Somatic Dialogue/ Presence in Movement: spine & Torso 
12:30-13:30: Lunch Break 
13:30-14:15:  Qi Gong theorie    _cc781905-136bad5cf58d_
14:15-16:15: Somatic Dialogue  “Pelvis”
16:15-16:30: Time gathering insides and resting in silence, snacks
16:30-17:30: Afternoon Qi Gong
17:30-18:00: Meditation
18:00-19:00: Time to share around dinner and finally break the silence with silent words to share for those who wish)


Qs & As


Do I need to have experience in these techniques?Well, you don't need to have any experience, you just need to feel ready to make a new experience. However there will be other participants who may already have practices of these techniques, but each participant works on his/her own level and the teachings are about principles and not forms of movement. The main technique is improvisation, so you will have the freedom to work with the given principles at your own pace and mood. in these practices beginners and advanced participants have the joy of experiencing something together. No matter what your level is, every new practice is a fresh initiation!


What clothes do I need?Please bring comfortable training clothes, also clothes for changing a couple of times as the practices may make you sweat, or sometimes you may feel cold and may want to add a layer. You can practice barefoot or with socks. The whole studio is a shoe-free zone. 


Can I take showers?Yes there are showers in the studios and we strongly recommend it as we will work in close contact sometimes.


Can I leave my clothes and toiletries in the Studios?Yes you may bring all you need and store it in the lockers of the dressing rooms. There will be no other activities during the Retreat, the whole venue will be reserved only for the participants of this workshop.


Are there accommodation possibilities? Yes you may reserve your nights in a flat in the same building as our studio. For more information please contact us at


Can I bring food?Yes, you may bring your own snacks in case you do not wish to go out for lunch. The studios are equipped with kitchen corners, however there is no possibility for cooking. You may use the fridges and all equipment (glasses, cups, cutlery) which are at your disposal. There will be refreshments and small snacks offered by the production, but you may bring your salads or sandwiches and enjoy the terrace for your lunch break or pauses. The kitchen corners also have a variety of teas and coffees, we also have an original Turkish coffee machine for coffee lovers...


Do I really have to be silent all the time?We recommend to respect this rule of the retreat, also not to disturb the others. However if you will have a case of emergency and need urgently to express yourself, you may do so without disturbing the other participants by whispering to the instructors, or finding the appropriate time during the pauses. You may also try to communicate with your eyes and gestures, or simply take a paper and pen and write little messages. There will be a message board for those who would like to share their thoughts and emotions (only for participants of the Retreat of course). The instructors will speak and give the necessary information during the practices, in order to be able to guide you and not leave you alone in unknown worlds :)


How do I find comfort, in case I feel a little shy?This is a retreat time for you. You can just relax. The workshop is not performance based. Each participant will work on his/her level of experience. The aim is to have gentle time during these practices, in order to feel better and discover something about yourself. there are not strict rules, and even if the program is made, the instructors will adapt to the flow of the group, making sure as much as they can that the well-being of each participant is met. when you feel like taking a break you may do so without disturbing the others. You may get a refreshment or during water at any time or the practices (again without disturbing the others) and you may re-connect and join the practice when you feel ready. If you are new to these practices in silence you may ask one of the instructors for a little talking session at the end of the day and get some reassuring from them :) Remember: this is a time for you and your well being.


For any other questions, please write to us… :)

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