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Private sessions work better on regular basis. Please consult with your facilitator for a customised schedule after your first session.

CANCELLATION & PAYMENT: Cancellation of a session must be made AT LEAST 48 hours prior to the scheduled lesson. Otherwise, we are obliged to charge you 50 %. Payments are cash only or by bank transfer - let us know if you want to issue an invoice. We advise you to register yourself and be a member to our web site so that you can easily view, cancel, reschedule your bookings without contacting us. You can see log in button on the top left side of the page.

ONLINE SESSIONS: Practically and technically you will need to create a time and a space for yourself in your home, where you can be with your computer. You will receive a link and a password, and after clicking on the link and entering the password you will see your teacher appear on your screen. Your computer will need to have a camera and a microphone. We're also ready to speak about it beforehand so that you can prepare yourself for the session.

Somatik Diyalog® Somatic Dialogue®

Limpid Works, Donská 9, 101 00, Prague, CZ

website by Gunes Coban

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